Human Rescue Plan

Fight World Hunger

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I would like to send a huge THANK YOU out to the Gardener's Guild here in Albuquerque. We had just had lunch at a nearby restaurant, Kelly's for those of you around here, and we wandered in to browse. I mentioned I was going to Niger (yes, yes, it's every other sentence out of my mouth these days) and the nice owner said that he had a whole box of seeds that he couldn't legally sell in a month due to germination percentage laws and that I could take any of them that I wanted. So, in addition to my neat red popcorn and summer of squash mix, I snagged any and all warm season heirlooms that I could. Greedy little thing that I am I ended up with quite the bag full. Totally nice guy. So thank you very much!!! If any of you happen to be in town, please drop by and thank them for me while I'm in Niger :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'll be going to Niger in January 2008 as a Crop Extension Agent also! I'd love to talk to someone else going...send me an email alleycatsunflower(at)